Sample collection & preservation
REAL Saliva DNA Sample Collection Kit allows the storage and preservation of 2ml of saliva at room temperature up to one year.
REAL Swabs Sample Collection Kit for a safe and rapid all-in-one procedure for the collection and stabilization of buccal cells and saliva samples with a swab. Allows the storage for later DNA purification.
REAL Saliva RNA Sample Collection Kit allows the collection and storage of RNA in 1 ml of saliva at room temperature up to one month.
REAL Saliva Viral Sample Collection Kit allows the collection and storage of the sample at room temperature (DNA>1 year; RNA up to 1 month). Eficient virus inactivation. Samples can be frozen (-20/-80°C) for prolonged periods. Available also without preservative solution.
REAL Saliva Microbiome Sample Collection Kit contains a preservative solution that mantains the microbiome profile from 2ml saliva samples.
DNA/RNA Purification
REAL Saliva DNA Kit for DNA purification from samples preserved with our REAL Saliva Sample Collection Kit.
REAL Swabs DNA Kit for DNA purification from preserved buccal cells collected with our REAL Swabs Sample Collection Kit.
REAL Saliva RNA kit for RNA purification from saliva samples collected with our REAL Saliva RNA Sample Collection Kit.
REAL Microbiome Saliva DNA kit for purification of microbial DNA from saliva samples.