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durviz Solutions to detect coronavirus in laboratories

Solutions to detect coronavirus in laboratories

If you are looking for effective solutions to detect coronavirus in laboratories, at Durviz we have a very effective proposal. It is the VIRAL SALIVA Sample Collection Kit, an easy-to-use product that offers very reliable results, especially for detecting the presence of COVID in a person.

To carry out this PCR test, it is enough to take a little saliva, so it is not painful or entails any discomfort for the patient. Hence, many laboratory professionals are opting for this product in their daily work.


Solutions for the diagnosis of Covid 19

More and more laboratories demands products with which to perform diagnostic tests on coronavirus.

At Durviz we are aware of this need, which is why we make SALIVA VIRAL Sample Collection kit available to our clients. A product that facilitates the performance of a fast and safe all-in-one procedure for the collection, stabilization and transport of saliva samples.

The kit that at Durviz we put at your fingertips contends: 100 funnels, 100 samples of the stabilizer solution and 100 collection tubes. A comprehensive package that will make it easier for you to carry out numerous tests and thus respond adequately to the wide demand for this type of test that exists today. Especially considering that there are more and more spaces in which you request negative tests from passengers, workers, etc.

To request it, just fill in the form that we have on our website and we will contact you.


VIRAL SALIVA Sample Collection Kit for detecting the presence of COVID in a person.

Features of SALIVA VIRAL Sample Collection kit

The main characteristics of this product are the following:

  • To function, the product needs one milliliter of saliva at room temperature. The person must not eat, drink or smoke for half an hour before you get the saliva sample. Otherwise you could alter the results.
  • Samples can store at room temperature for one year for DNA and one month for RNA. In both cases the samples treated with this solution must be between 4º and 25º C.
  • This kit contains a solution that efficiently inactivates viruses.
  • Its solution avoids the degradation of nucleic acids in samples collected with our system, giving rise to non-infectious samples for safe handling and shipping.
  • Samples can be stored at temperatures between -20 ° C and 80 ° C indefinitely.
  • It is compatible with most DNA and RNA isolation methods.
  • It is recommended to be used with products of the same brand, as it ensures better performance.


How the SALIVA VIRAL Sample Collection kit works

The operation of this product is very simple. It is enough for the person to spit inside the funnel that we will have previously placed inside the sample collection tube.

Once we have the saliva and we have enough to carry out the test (the tube has a sign in which 1 milliliter is marked, which is the amount we need), we must eliminate the bubbles that may appear in it.

Then, we must add the saliva preservation solution and add all its content in the collection tube with the saliva. And, finally, put the green cap on the test tube so that the sample is not contaminated.

After that, we shake the test tube vigorously, for which 15 seconds will be enough. This gesture is to mix the saliva well with the kit’s conservation solution.

Finally, the saliva sample will be preserved and ready for storage, shipping and processing.

So, if you are looking for solutions to detect coronavirus in laboratories, all you have to do is purchase our SALIVA VIRAL Sample Collection Kit product.

Virus transport and preservation medium: BIOCOMMA

If you are looking for a means of transport and preservation of viruses, the BIOCOMMA company has a virus transport and presenvation medium. product that at Durviz we put at your fingertips. That will solve many of the infrastructure and distribution problems of your laboratory. So that you can relate to him we have written this article in which we expose the main characteristics of this product.

Virus transport and preservation medium: the BIOCOMMA proposal

The BIOCOMMA company has designed a solution that allows any virus sample to be inactivated in time to prevent it from being infected by aerosol. It is also a product that protects RNA from degradation.

Its main components are: HBSS, glycerin and guanidine salts.

It is a product that is applicable for the collection and transport of samples of: clinical influenza, avian influenza, HFMD, measles. And other virus samples as well as mycoplasma, ureaplasma and chlamydia. Although it can also be used with other samples.

With this means of transport, in addition, two types of sampling can be performed: Nasal swab or throat swab. We will choose the most suitable one.

With this means of transport, in addition, two types of sampling can be performed: Nasal swab or throat swab.

BIOCOMMA: Operation

The operation of this BIOCOMMA proposal is very simple and intuitive. All you have to do is follow the following steps so that our laboratory samples are perfectly protected from any possible contamination. They are as follows:

  1. Write the sample information on the label before sampling.
  2. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, the swab must be used in one way or another to collect samples from the corresponding parts. For this, it is enough that we put the swab in the conservation solution immediately after taking samples, break the swab rod and close the lid firmly. Of course, you have to be careful with possible problems that may appear when handling it. For example, the product is a clear, colorless liquid. If the properties change, for example it turns yellow, it should be discarded. It should also be noted that the liquid in the sampling tube is the medium for transport. The swab cannot be submerged prior to sampling.
  3. Once the samples we want to analyze have been taken, they must be transported to the laboratory within 2 working days after collection. To do this properly, the storage temperature should be 2-8 ° C. If this cannot be done, the samples should be stored at -70 ° C or less; and ensure that the samples are delivered to the laboratory within a week. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided.

With one exception to note: samples used for virus isolation and nucleic acid detection should be processed as soon as possible.


Biocomma Transport: Indications

Like all laboratory products, it has been conceived for a specific purpose. Hence, it has some specific indications. Some of the most prominent are the following:

  1. It is not a product suitable for internal or external use in humans or animals.
  2. Must be handled with care as it can cause serious events if swallowed; it is irritating to the eyes and skin. If accidentally splashed into the eyes, rinse them with water. It is also advisable to maintain ventilation during use to avoid possible poisoning.
  3. Residues of the sample collection solution must be sterilized.

With all this, BIOCOMMA’s means of transport and conservation will work perfectly and will allow us to carry out our work more efficiently and with a smaller margin of error in the results. If you want to have it in your workspace, contact us and we will tell you about it.

Rapid coVID-19 and Influenza A+B antigen test

The COVID-19 and Influenza A+B antigen rapid test is a rapid immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antigens to the SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A and Influenza B virus. For its operation, it uses nasopharyngeal swab samples from individuals suspected of being affected by SARS-CoV-2. Or they have an influenza infection along with the clinical presentation and results of other laboratory tests.


Samples for rapid detection of COVID 19 and Influenza

For the detection of COVID-19, an antigen is usually found in upper airway samples during the acute phase of infection. Positive results indicate the presence of viral antigens in the person. But, be careful, a clinical correlation with the patient’s history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine the status of the infection.

Positive results that may be obtained do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. And it is possible that the agent detected is not the definitive cause of the disease.

On the other hand, negative results in such an analysis do not exclude SARS-CoV-2 or Influenza A B infection and should not be used as the basis for the diagnosis of treatment or for making management decisions.

Therefore, it is always recommended that negative results be treated as presumptive and confirmed with a molecular assay.

Rapid coVID-19 and Influenza A B antigen test

COVID 19 Combined Quick Test

The COVID-19 and Influenza A+B rapid antigen test in combination is designed for use by staff working in a trained clinical laboratory.

This test is a qualitative membrane-based immunoassay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens in a human nasopharyngeal swab sample. To do this, the antibody SARS-CoV-2 is coated in the test line regionDuring the COVID-19 rapid antigen test, the sample reacts with particles coated with antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 that have been placed. This causes the mixture to migrate up on the membrane by capillary action and react with the SARS-CoV-2 antibody in the test line.

Rapid coVID-19 and Influenza A B antigen test

ALL TEST.- Rapid TEST of COVID-19 antigen and Influenza A B

Quality controls the rapid test of COVID-19 antigen and Influenza A+B

If the sample contains SARS-CoV-2 antigens, a color line appears in the test line region. If the sample does not contain antigens, no color line appears.

To serve as a control, a colored line will always appear in the control region, indicating that the appropriate sample volume has been added. And of course, the membrane absorption has occurred.

In this test, antibodies specific to influenza A and influenza B nucleoproteins are coated separately in the test line.

During the test, the specimen removed to the person reacts with influenza A and/or B antibodies covering the particles. The mixture migrates to the membrane to react with influenza A and/or B antibodies and to generate one or two colored lines in the test regions.

The presence of this color line in one or both of the test regions indicates a positive result. To control the procedure, we will always have a colored line in the control region if the test was successful.

At Durviz we know how important it is to have tests of this kind in your laboratory. That’s why we put it at your fingertips on our website. So if you want to buy them, you should contact us.