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Real Saliva Viral. Saliva samples.

Real Saliva Viral: Brochure

Real viral saliva is a simple and practical kit that aims to bring speed and practicality to laboratory work. This novel product provides a safe and fast procedure for collecting, stabilizing and transporting saliva samples. Something fundamental especially now that large amounts of testing are being carried out by COVID 19. A procedure in which it has proven to be highly effective, allowing a large amount of sample collection to be made without any of them being harmed.

An all-in-one that allows us to work with 1 ml saliva samples at room temperature, allowing viral DNA/RNA to be stabilized without any problem. To do this, this product uses its own solution (contained in the kit itself) that inactivates viruses and prevents the degradation of nucleic acid in samples collected with our system. In this way, non-infectious samples are properly preserved for safe handling and sent.

The saliva samples we treat with this Real Saliva viral substance are kept at room temperature for a long period of time. Thus, in the case of DNA we have to talk about a period that extends over an entire year; and in the case of one-stage RNA that goes up to a month).

However, this is not the only advantage in or that of conservation. Saliva samples can also be frozen (-20/-80°C) for extended periods. A larger stage than other saliva testing kit offers.


Operation of a Real Saliva Viral

The way we can use this kit is very simple and is summarized in the following steps:

  1. Before removing the sample, people should be warned not to eat, drink, smoke or chew gum. Unless they haven’t done so 30 minutes before the sample was collected. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get 1 ml of saliva. An extraction that can take several minutes in normal situations and that in the cases referred extends over time.
  2. The funnel must be inserted into the sample collection tube. It is advisable to rub the cheeks with the tongue and teeth for stimulation of saliva secretion.
  3. Collect saliva until 1 ml line level is reached.
  4. Remove and discard the funnel.
  5. Remove the cap from the saliva preservation solution and add all its contents to the collection tube.
  6. Close the sample collection tube with its green cap.
  7. Shake the tube vigorously for 15 seconds to mix saliva well with saliva preservation solution. At this point we must avoid unsolving saliva lumps.
  8. The saliva sample is already preserved and ready for storage, shipping and processing.
Real Saliva Viral

Kit Real Saliva Viral

Real Viral Saliva Apps

With all this Real viral saliva is much more effective than other similar products on the market, and they also offer the possibility to store saliva samples in the right way, for further analysis or treatment.

This kit presents all these application possibilities:

– It is a product specially designed for the collection, storage and transport of viral samples of 1 ml of saliva.

– Its substance inactivates microorganisms and viruses to enable safe and easy transport and handling.

Can be used to isolate human genomic DNA or viral DNA/RNA. In both cases you get excellent results.

Allows the sample to be transported at room temperature without adversely affecting it.

Facilitates the preservation of total DNA, including viral DNA, at room temperature (4º-25ºC) for an entire year, without any alteration.

Allows total RNA, including viral RNA, to be preserved at room temperature (4º-25ºC) for an entire month.

It is compatible with most of the DNA and RNA isolation methods on the market although the company recommends that the products and methods they manufacture be used as they are of very high quality standards and their greater efficiency has been proven in this regard.

Real Saliva Viral

Real Saliva Viral Collection Kit

So, if you are looking for a complete and simple kit, easy to handle and that allows you to collect and store saliva samples without any risk, this equipment of Real viral saliva is your best choice.