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Discover the New Real Fecal Microbiome Kit in Durviz

New Real Fecal Microbiome Kit

You can now buy the new Real Microbiome Fecal kit from the Durviz website. It is a new kit with which you can perform a rapid and efficient purification of microbial DNA for the study of it from different fecal samples.

A revolutionary faecal analysis system that you should know, especially if you perform this type of work in your laboratory.


New Real Microbiome kit: features

One of the main novelties of the Real Microbiome kit is that it includes an efficient lysis of the microorganisms present in fecal samples by a combination of heat and a chemical-mechanical break with specific “beads” developed for it. It should also be noted that the inhibitors of the samples are eliminated by precipitation through the use of a buffer especially developed for that.

The sample with which one works is passed, once cleaned of impurities, by the MicroSpin Column, the DNA is attached to the membrane and is washed and finally eluted.

Real Fecal Microbioma Kit

With all this, the main features of the new Real Microbiome Kit are:

  1. It is designed to obtain a fast and efficient purification of microbial DNA from different fecal samples.
  2. This optimally develops a lysis method with a combination of heat, chemical and mechanical lysis using specific “beads”. What allows a great homogenization of the sample that allows the isolation of the DNA of yeasts, fungi, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
  3. It is a simple and fast procedure in which MicroSpin columns are used.
  4. One of its most revolutionary aspects is that it achieves a complete elimination of contaminants and inhibitors.
  5. Another outstanding aspect is that phenol / chloroform is not used in its operation; neither for extraction nor for precipitation with ethanol.


With all this, the new Real Kit is a product that can be used in many areas of work and study. For example, it has applications in the analysis of the microbiome, in the RFLP, in the analysis of mutations or even in the identification of pathogens.


Keep in mind that this kit works in optimal conditions for processing 200 mg of human feces. And that for the cases of animal samples it is recommended to reduce the amount of sample (80-100 mg). And it is that following these indications we will obtain better results.

In the case that we work with very dry stools, the manufacturers warn that the CTAB Extraction Buffer can absorb them, producing an insufficient amount of sample after the first centrifugation step.

In these cases, it is recommended to reduce the sample size (60-80 mg) and increase the volume of the CTAB Extraction Buffer.


The content of the Kit (in its standard size for 50 fecal samples) is as follows: a CTAB extraction buffer, an EC buffer, a binding buffer, a disinhibition buffer, a wash buffer, an elution buffer, 50 bead microtubes, proteinase K, 50 MicroSpin columns and 100 collection tubes. All of them are very well preserved at room temperature, except for the proteinase that should be at -20 degrees Celsius.

So, if you want your laboratory to have the latest in the extraction or purification of microbial DNA, do not hesitate and acquire the new Real Fecal Microbiome Kit. Your studies will have a smaller margin of error and will obtain much more data than you can process. Do not hesitate, get one of them already. You can get many more details on our website or through the phone.


The circulating DNA to diagnose possible genetic anomalies in fetuses

The circulating DNA to diagnose possible genetic anomalies in fetuses

The circulating DNA is that group of DNA molecules that circulates freely through the outside of the cells, by the blood, the urine, as well as in other body fluids. They are found in fragments of great length, that is to say, those that have from less from 500 bases to 21,000 base pairs.

It is also known as free DNA. The extraction of this DNA for its study in the laboratory is done through plasma or blood, since they are two easily manipulated and extractable liquids. To do so, it is important to have first quality materials that allow us a solid and accurate study of these cells of the organism, because through these reports we can diagnose different diseases.

Types of circulating DNA

According to the scientists, based on the origin of the circulating DNA sample, we can find three fundamental types:

  • Normal circulating DNA. It consists of degraded DNA fragments that they have been released into the bloodstream.
  • The circulating fetal DNA, which comes from mostly the placenta of the mothers. Actually it comes specifically from the fetus and it is a DNA that circulates freely in the bloodstream of the mother.
  • Tumor circulating DNA, which comes from cancer cells that have a Generally, of the tumor in which they are found. Your concentration is greater as the disease progresses.

Applications of circulating DNA

The circulating DNA is important because very information is extracted from its study valuable that will help us determine the state of health in which the person is from which the sample has been obtained. So, for example, in the case of fetuses we can help: diagnose possible genetic anomalies before birth; know the sex of the child before birth or without the need for any ultrasound (This is possible the analysis of specific sequences of the Y chromosome, which are performed following a presence / absence criterion); know the child’s RH to be able to rule out the hemolytic disease of the newborn (at this point you have to know that occasionally, the mother’s immune system produces antibodies during pregnancy they attack the red blood cells of their own fetus.

circulatingA fact that occurs, only, when the mother and the baby have different types of blood); determine diseases monogénicas (taking into account that with circulating DNA analysis that are performed at present, only diseases transmitted by the mother can be known and no for the mother); or study fetal aneuploidies (or, what is the same, alterations of the number of chromosomes that involve loss or gain of complete chromosomes).

And all this without the need to implement invasive techniques that endanger the life of the fetus or its mother. In this case, the test is done from the sixth week of pregnancy.

With the information obtained from the fetal circulating DNA analysis we can overtake many events and diseases, so it is vital importance its realization at present. It has even allowed to avoid treatments aggressive or complicated for pregnant mothers. Something common when there problems with the HR of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Situations in which the inclusion of analysis of the circulating DNA for the group pregnant Rh- has allowed the suppression of the immunoprophylaxis treatment when the fetus was also of the Rh- group.

In Durviz we have all the instruments you need to perform these tests. Do not you have more to visit our website and know the wide variety of products first quality we offer. A fact that has led us to be considered as one of the best business initiatives in the health sector worldwide.